Large Enough Channel for a Q&A?


Well-Known Member
Do you think it is worth attempting a Q&A on a 3 and a half year old channel that only has 117 subs, around 12 views per video and around 1 comment a month? Or will it just not happen?
Doubt I will get any questions. I ask for comments about different stuff in each video but still nothing, so I doubt asking for !&A questions will do much better.
I've done Q&A's in the past with only 100 odd subs, I asked questions and here and on my facebook page and I got a fair few questions :)
What you could do is post a "Get to Know me" video where you answer questions about yourself, and ask people what questions they would want to ask you. You could gauge if you wanted to do a Q&A based on the number of questions. If you only get like 2 questions, then you can just answer in a reply from the comments. BUT if you do post and Q&A post the link as a reply to those that asked so they are redirected to your video. :) gl.