Hey there, Ray here!
Hey what is up fam, it's me Ray and welcome back to another MapleLegends video! Today's video is all about the good old Kerning City Party Quest. It's actually been ages since I did KPQ and it feels good doing it once again. We get to revisit the King Slime, one of the first bosses we get to encounter in this game. Sure it's just a regular slime on steroids, but it's still a pretty cool boss. Unfortunately, since I'm not a mage, I do negative damage to the King Slime. Feels bad man!
My MapleLegends journey is going to be streamed on
If you guys are interested in the stream and would like to be notified when I'm streaming, you can join my discord server called LFFriends. It's only me in there right now.
Here's the link:
I'll play with people if they're around the same level and might even chat with them too.
Just so you know, I almost went to sleep without prepping a video. I was just about to sleep when I realized, "Oh s**t, I didn't prep a video for tomorrow." It is currently 3:57 AM lol.
If you guys enjoy the video, show some love! Leave a comment, like the video or subscribe! Thanks to the 29 subscribers who are subbed to me I appreciate you all greatly!!
Okay, I think that is all for now. I'm about to die.
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