In need of some honest Feedback


Hi :)
Im really in need of some honest feedback.
Would really appreciate and will be happy to return the favour.

(Femme Faytal Gaming )
Your banner could use work - it's too simple ! If needed you can ask people to create a banner for you (Fiverr or maybe someone on this thread) Just tell em your vision and they'll make a high quality banner for ya! Your avatar doesn't really scream "gaming" kinda like "hey I'm a girl come look" (no offense) because your avatar could be misleading I don't know - just IMO as a fellow gaming channel I see like a cartoon avatar or some type of avatar that says you're a gamer! Thumbnails can also use work (try learning GIMP a program which is free) to put more colorful / pop-up texts. Best suggestion is look at the bigger channels and kinda take ideas on how they do theirs. Commentary you could try to say more and use more emotion in your voice (try to make the audio louder as well) - it's all just practice really - keep looking to improve by watching others and honing your YT personality!