I'm DYING here - layout issues!

Can you link an image of this? I don't have it in my in video programming section

Whatever video you promote in your in-video programming will have priority over the others to be the featured video to subscribers. If your subscriber has already watched the video you choose for in video programming, a different one will be featured.

Here's a part of the email that was sent out when that change was made:

We improved What to Watch Next
  • Algorithm improvements: When the beta first began you may have noticed some old videos showing up in this spot. Hopefully you have seen a big improvement over the last 2 weeks. The algorithm now shows your newest videos that the viewer hasn't seen yet.
  • Or program it yourself: We also heard from you that you really want to be able to promote a single video here if you have something really important to promote. You can now do this by promoting your video through in-video programming. If the viewer has not seen your in-video programming video yet, then this will always show up in What to Watch Next.
  • Ability to scroll through suggestions: We also heard that people wanted a way to get a new What to Watch Next suggestion without actually having to watch the video. Now if you don't like the recommendation you can move on to the next one by clicking the arrows above the module.