I'm reviewing just your 'Burn the City App Review' because I already did the 'Kick the Boss App Review' the other day

So, first things first is that the screen is showing up really clearly the way in which you have set it out; the dark background really helps the screen to show up at a much higher quality than if it were in daytime/lights on. Also, I think that you have really covered the points well, you tell the audience exactly the things that they want to know before getting an app especially about pricing and content of the game. (I've gotta question though: how come you've got 5 apps in the bar at the bottom of the page? I was like wtf?!?!? lol)
Something I can't tell exactly from the video is whether you are holding the apple device or whether it is layed flat on the ground. I have a few suggestions to stop the shaking you can see: 1. You can put the camera on a stand and rest the apple device on the floor
2. If you don't have a stand then you could always rest the filming device on an upright object and the apple device against a wall (slightly higher up maybe?)
3. Or you can just test out ways that you can have a steadier hand with filming (Its difficult though and I find it hard myself - a stand is always your best bet)
Something else that I would quite like to see in your video is an intro with some nice music added to it - could be a short song saying 'App Reviews' or just some dramatic music - this intro I think should have the image that you use for the Thumbnail on it... And then I also think that maybe you should be putting a short bit at the end of the video linking to the previous video?
Review done