Sounds good to me, could you review all of the YTtalkTV channel and the videos?
All video reviews time!!! :
Vanessa's Video: First thing I gotta say about her video is that it is very well produced and put together, great editing of the clips together to make the full video and I think that she has done well

One thing that you may want to mention to her is the backgrounding on her video because it is a bit too confusion and has too much to look at within it (your eyes are not sure exactly where to concentrate). I recommend that she changes to a completely plain wall (white is best) or if she wants, very pastel based colours can work well (light blue/light creamy orange/cream/light green etc...).
Stefan's Video: I have given advice to Stefan before about his videos that he is producing and he has really developed over the time that I have seen his videos. His backgrounding is great, cuts at the correct time, and his enthusiasm flows throughout. He really took my camera advice into his own style. However, there is still one thing that I want to point out to him; it is the fact that he has a 'double shadow' produced behind him on the wall. It shows up quite a bit just because it is a white wall however, I can tell that this was produced by an overhead ceiling light which has several bulbs attached. If he were to use a spotlight or a very strong lamp, then it would look a lot better if it were to produce just one, clean edged shadow.
Michael's Question Video: Michael, Michael, Michael

Good video!! Not average but cool, interesting, great

I thought you did well even if you don't think so!
It was really informative and covered some points that a lot of people still don't know how to do and I think its a great little series that you'll have going on.
Something I would say is that I saw your cheeky little glances at the questions/script. But don't worry about it too much because there are some easy things that you can do to prevent this: Print off the questions/script in much larger lettering on a few sheets (easier to read) and then stick them on a wall/board behind the camera so that it looks like you are still looking at the camera whilst doing the video. Another pointer is that maybe you should try standing up as well whilst your doing this; it'll make you look and feel more confident in front of the camera and make that more 'one-on-one'/'intimate' experience come across with the viewer - just as Stefan says. Plus I think you'll find yourself grow more as a blogger and with experience you'll find yourself enjoying talking in front of the camera more
Michael's Tutorial Videos: You seem a lot more confident when speaking in your tutorial videos but I guess this is because you aren't in front of the camera and it seems as though you are speaking to yourself. I don't know what other peoples opinions would be on this, but if you do any more tutorials then I'd quite like to see you adding a small face-cam into the top left/right which could be pre/after recorded so that we can all see you in the video. I'm sure everyone here at YTtalk would wanna see more of you in the videos

However, the main tutorials section of the video has a really good audio quality and the video quality is great as well, I think this is really beneficial, especially in the sense that it is a tutorial.
George (from Rubox)'s Video: I really like George's videos on the channel because of his pure enthusiasm towards it however, at times, this enthusiasm can come across as a little distracting because he does like to flail his arms around quite a bit. However, overall, I think George does well with his video because he's done backgrounding well and produced a high quality, informative and interesting video to watch.
Overall: I like the fact that you are adding a watermark to each of the videos because it is constantly supporting the channel and making it look more professional. Plus, I like the fact that you are linking to other videos at the end of the videos so that people don't get 'lost' on the youtube channel looking for older videos.
Done!! Time for a cuppa tea