I'll review your gaming channel

Hey man,

If you have the time could you review my Channel (content mostly). i'd be honored be honest i can take a punch ;)

Thx allready...
Your channel obviously focusses on cs:go, I would hope you plan to expand in the future as CS:GO is probably one of the most oversaturated games on the youtube gaming market atm right below CoD & Minecraft. Also I noticed you have opted to go a montage route without any commentary and just a music overlay. It's really not my place to say whether that is good or bad, but I know that I personally don't care for those sorts of videos.

I noticed in your most recent video you fixed the next thing I was going to criticize which was your intro, it was far too long, but obviously in your most recent content you fixed that.

With your video style and length, I think it's likely that your videos will get good views but probably not a lot of subscribers from them, people who watch this sort of stuff tend to watch the video and then click over to the next guys'.[DOUBLEPOST=1453452020,1453451147][/DOUBLEPOST]

I looked at your channel for a bit, the first thing I noticed is that this is obviously not your first channel.

Looking through your videos I realized you like to stick to one thing at a time, you played around with rocket league updates for a little, moved over to BO3 and then went on to FIFA. Personally I think this is a bad move because most people who subscribe to a channel that does long streaks of the same game tend to want to watch THOSE games, so when you change titles you could have people leaving because they aren't getting the content that they want. You would hope they would inform you of this in the comments, but usually they will just unsub or simply stop watching giving you the impression that they still do.

Your uploads seem to be relatively frequent, but I noticed gaps in your uploading, some going for multiple weeks, this is another reason why you may have subscribers who no longer view your content, people like scheduled uploads that fit into their routine, breaking that usually puts them in the position to just go watch someone elses content instead. Not saying you need to upload daily, just keep it consistent
Thanks a lot will take this into account for sure!
Well I just did a re-branding so I could use some critique. Feel free to tear me a new one :^)

Well, not entirely sure where to begin with this one, you should already have a pretty good idea of how I feel about you considering I tried to collab with you. I noticed you decided to shy away from the lets play style videos and move more toward a montage like way of uploading content, to be honest it's probably best you did that earlier rather than later to avoid the backlash you would have received in a more popular channel.

You have a wide variety of content, it's nice to see people who can balance more than one series at the same time, provides more options to your viewers which is always good when you have a wide content range because it's likely that not all of your subs will want to watch the same thing.

I noticed this wasn't your first channel, I actually recall seeing you back on your old gaming channel as well, but that feels like forever ago. One thing I noticed, and it was really easy to notice since I do it too, you have a crap ton of series' that are cut short, 1-5 episodes and then you're on to the next thing. There's really no saying whether this is bad or not, but one issue that tends to go with this is that some subs will only sub for those specific videos and then when you stop doing them they usually don't bother unsubbing and just become another number that doesn't actually view your content.

I think you could probably make better use of your videos description, without a proper description or on screen text you're assuming people know what this game is about before you even play it, which can cause confusion, like I was pretty damn confused with this air brawl game, it was obvious that you were killing each other but any information beyond that seemed spotty at best. Also a good description can help you get hits so there's really only benefits to making one.

Keep up the good work sir.
Well, not entirely sure where to begin with this one, you should already have a pretty good idea of how I feel about you considering I tried to collab with you. I noticed you decided to shy away from the lets play style videos and move more toward a montage like way of uploading content, to be honest it's probably best you did that earlier rather than later to avoid the backlash you would have received in a more popular channel.

You have a wide variety of content, it's nice to see people who can balance more than one series at the same time, provides more options to your viewers which is always good when you have a wide content range because it's likely that not all of your subs will want to watch the same thing.

I noticed this wasn't your first channel, I actually recall seeing you back on your old gaming channel as well, but that feels like forever ago. One thing I noticed, and it was really easy to notice since I do it too, you have a crap ton of series' that are cut short, 1-5 episodes and then you're on to the next thing. There's really no saying whether this is bad or not, but one issue that tends to go with this is that some subs will only sub for those specific videos and then when you stop doing them they usually don't bother unsubbing and just become another number that doesn't actually view your content.

I think you could probably make better use of your videos description, without a proper description or on screen text you're assuming people know what this game is about before you even play it, which can cause confusion, like I was pretty damn confused with this air brawl game, it was obvious that you were killing each other but any information beyond that seemed spotty at best. Also a good description can help you get hits so there's really only benefits to making one.

Keep up the good work sir.
Thanks for the kind words Crowe! I completely understand your point of view with the descriptions. I'm thinking about getting a 1 or 2 line summary of what the game I'm playing is so I can avoid confusing like you said. As for Air Brawl: I wish I knew what was going on, but it seriously is just dog fights cx
Heyo everyone! My name is Crowe and I am one of the oh so many gaming channels out there on the YouTubes. I have been making videos for just under 2 years now and am extremely grateful to have gotten the experience that I have over that time.

Because I am a gaming channel that's the only kind of channel I feel confident reviewing, I have checked out other channels of other genres and I have a harder time coming up with feedback for them.

So here's how it works, you ask for a review and I will give it to you, if it's a gaming channel then my review will probably actually contain useful feedback. My criticism can be rough, you learn nothing when you are babied and told how amazing your channel is, so odds are even if your channel is better than mine I will still have a load of things to tell you that you can improve on, because god knows my channel could use some work as well.

That's pretty much it. Also, understand that I don't sit on YTT for a living, so I may not be able to get back to everyone as quickly as they would like, but I will do it in order, and I will have feedback to tell you.

That's about it, leave a comment to let me know you want a review and I will do just that, just try not to get your feelings hurt and quit YT when I tell you stuff, it's about improving not about getting discouraged.
Feel free to review mine :)
Hey buddy buddy chubby chum friend pal buddy pal buddy buddy.
If you dont do a diddely darn review on my channel im afraid im gonna have to snap your f*****g neck. Homie pal chum friend pal slice o bread slice im gonna give you a crum junkjor. You want that? You wanna be confronted with a crum junktur?
( get the reference ? No? Fine then. Just review my channel please )
Hey there! I would really appreciate it if you would do such amazing things! It's a gaming channel, so it's a nice variety. FPS, indie etc... So i'm not tied down to one type of game.

Thanks in advance... :)
