Services I will edit for FREE

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YTtalk Mad
I've finished university for the summer now and I've got some free time. (TV Post Production course) If anyone needs ANYTHING edited I'm up for it. I know how to use Final Cut, Premiere and After Effects.
I would be really grateful if you could help me make a channel trailer. Just around a minute in length, I could send you clips and music to use :)
Hi there,

This is the sort of thing that would greatly interest me and I hope my channel and topic might interest you!

We are a non-profit educational science channel that tries to explain some of those interesting nooks and crannies that often get overlooked. Currently we have just hit the first 1k in about 3 months but since I have Uni exams I haven't uploaded recently. As soon as I finish I will get right back on scheduled.

If you did decide to edit for us,
  • You would have professional narrated audio to work with.
  • The full audio library found at the website "Epidemicsound"
  • A variety of topics that you might be interested in.
  • Editing help if needed from myself
  • Obviously credits in the video

I hope this sounds interesting as I love working with other people! Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi there,

This is the sort of thing that would greatly interest me and I hope my channel and topic might interest you!

We are a non-profit educational science channel that tries to explain some of those interesting nooks and crannies that often get overlooked. Currently we have just hit the first 1k in about 3 months but since I have Uni exams I haven't uploaded recently. As soon as I finish I will get right back on scheduled.

If you did decide to edit for us,
  • You would have professional narrated audio to work with.
  • The full audio library found at the website "Epidemicsound"
  • A variety of topics that you might be interested in.
  • Editing help if needed from myself
  • Obviously credits in the video

I hope this sounds interesting as I love working with other people! Hope to hear from you soon!
You have some really professional and interesting content here, I can see your channel going far!

I would love to edit for you, good luck in your exams!
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