Thank you for sharing this very helpful and accurate tip.Just join a Youtube Network It will garentee no copyright strikes.
Usually YouTube notifies you if it detects somethingsHey guys! I've been thinking a lot about monetizing my videos on YouTube, but I'm scared of getting copyright claims and having some of my videos taken down. Is there a program or a way of checking your videos before you upload them to YouTube?
Note: I would never use copyrighted material intentionally. I'm just paranoid lol
Thank you all in advance!
You can still get copyright strikes even if your content isn't monetized.
Not sure, it likely depends on the company doing the claiming. Some don't mess around and just go straight for the takedown. It depends who owns the intellectual property rights.
Not sure, it likely depends on the company doing the claiming. Some don't mess around and just go straight for the takedown. It depends who owns the intellectual property rights.
This is not how it works anymore. I have seen Pewdiepie say on his Broken podcast that you don't really need a network anymore. The copyright thing used to be an issue a while back but now it's somewhat fixed. The networks don't really benefit you, they just get a cut of your pay. They only benefit big channels. You can monetize and be a youtube partner and get paid through adsense.
Personally I would not join a network as a small channel.
Do some research of your own. Find articles on google and watch some videos on it.