Gaming [Hypixel Skywars Collab]


New Member
Hello! I would like to make a collaboration at some point with a minecraft YouTuber that has 100 or more subscribers. If hypixel skywars doesn't fancy you we could possibly agree on something that suits the both of us! You will need 100 or more subscribers, people that actively view your videos, be in the 12-15 years old age range, and speak English! If you are interested add me on Discord and shoot me a dm @KevinDoesGaming#1053 or email if you would prefer that; Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this and to consider me for a potential partner!


what your doing sounds like a lot of fun, unfortunately I do not have 100 subs I only have 35 and I started two months ago, however it would still be fun to collab and if u wanna check out my channel its Brandomized Gaming

Sincerely Brandomized
I am 11 actually and I gonna make a YouTube channel called TheMazeGamez and I gonna get 50 subscribers fast could I do a collab?