i personally believe all the social media outlets are valuable, however some more than others, for example facebook gets moer traffic than google + however even if you get a ratio of 10:1 between facebook and google + that 1 view like or subscription from google plus is as valuable as facebook, twitter reddit .... etc.
Yes, but at the end of the day, most social media is just a waste of time.
Take a look at the stats for one of the top videos from RTR in the last year (watch?v=Tldlt2RhrDw) - this is one of the highest viewed kids channel/toys videos:
It's got 7,921 FB interactions out of 454,000,000 YT views, that's 0.0017%. Even if you assume there were 10 FB views for every 1 FB interaction, giving about 80,000 FB views, that's still 0.017%. FB is a waste of time. It drove a completely insignificant amount of traffic.
G+ has 18,500 interactions, so that's about 0.0041%. Also a waste of time.
I won't even mention reddit, my calculator doesn't have enough negative spaces to count that one.
This is the most popular video from any kids channel. It should have dominated FB, reddit, G+, Twittter. But it made no external impact. This reinforces the point that the most critical social network for growing a YT channel is YT.
My concern is when a newbie asks how to grow a channel, and everyone says "do social media". I would like to see the proof that social media drives significant traffic to the point that it makes a difference to channel growth.