How To Series ideas ????

How to gain YTtalk cash or how to add a signature, BTW hows VIP? I just hot it too and its fricken awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeee!!!

you know "how to get yttalk cash" and "how to derail" are the same thing. Make sure to mention you shouldn't start derailing a thread if it's one that asks a question that has not yet been answered, and you never do it like a sharp turn. Like you wouldn't be like "so do you guys believe in the zombie apocalypse?" And then me be like "No but I believe I love gifs of cute cats!!" And just ignore you. No you let it evolve into something else. "Do you believe in the zombie apocalypse?" "No but Bruce Campbell does" *army of darkness gif* "omg he was so great in *insert movie*" "Omg that movie reminds me of..." Until it's derailed. :)
you know "how to get yttalk cash" and "how to derail" are the same thing. Make sure to mention you shouldn't start derailing a thread if it's one that asks a question that has not yet been answered, and you never do it like a sharp turn. Like you wouldn't be like "so do you guys believe in the zombie apocalypse?" And then me be like "No but I believe I love gifs of cute cats!!" And just ignore you. No you let it evolve into something else. "Do you believe in the zombie apocalypse?" "No but Bruce Campbell does" *army of darkness gif* "omg he was so great in *insert movie*" "Omg that movie reminds me of..." Until it's derailed. :)
i'll do just that :) When i film & edit the video i'll put (before the vid starts) "NOTE: DO NOT START DERAILING A THREAD IF IT HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED PROPERLY!"
i'll do just that :) When i film & edit the video i'll put (before the vid starts) "NOTE: DO NOT START DERAILING A THREAD IF IT HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED PROPERLY!"

Good man :) There's a small art to it. People will get mad if you're doing it for no bloody reason. So long as it's because your responses have SOMETHING to do with the posts you quote and are FUNNY, AND it's a thread where the original topic has been sorted out, no one gets mad, we all just laugh and laugh and laugh bwahahahaha
Good man :) There's a small art to it. People will get mad if you're doing it for no bloody reason. So long as it's because your responses have SOMETHING to do with the posts you quote and are FUNNY, AND it's a thread where the original topic has been sorted out, no one gets mad, we all just laugh and laugh and laugh bwahahahaha
:) ok , i'm not a kid anymore :) i'm 25 ! lol :)
I wouldnt go doing a derailing video, this is something a select few members started doing within chillout room threads and if it was to ever get out control and end up in members advice threads it would come to a point where it would be necessary to forbid it completely on here. We understand things get off topic but it would be best not to encourage it. I would go with what Reina said and work from there :)
Good man :) There's a small art to it. People will get mad if you're doing it for no bloody reason. So long as it's because your responses have SOMETHING to do with the posts you quote and are FUNNY, AND it's a thread where the original topic has been sorted out, no one gets mad, we all just laugh and laugh and laugh bwahahahaha

We don't generally tend to do it outside of the Chillout Room anyway, so its not really interfering :)
I wouldnt go doing a derailing video, this is something a select few members started doing within chillout room threads and if it was to ever get out control and end up in members advice threads it would come to a point where it would be necessary to forbid it completely on here. We understand things get off topic but it would be best not to encourage it. I would go with what Reina said and work from there :)
ok, maybe Episode 3 - Quoting & Posting :) ?