How To Series ideas ????

He should definitely do it
i am :) I'm goning to be filming Episode 3 - Derailing next week, i just finished editing Episode 2 - Getting A "Partner" Badge :)
New episodes every saturday !:)[DOUBLEPOST=1369616031,1369615954][/DOUBLEPOST]
That will be awesome!
Thanks i'd just have to tell a mod Reina before i start filming so they won't ban me or anything :)
New episodes every saturday !
How to gain YTtalk cash or how to add a signature, BTW hows VIP? I just hot it too and its fricken awesooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeee!!!
When you take a thread and take it way off course from the original topic.

For example; Lets say you made a thread about Tutorials, and then it eventually gets derailed and we are talking about cats, twerking, The Walking Dead... etc. haha. It happens a lot around here.

you know you could've just went with this

would of A)confused the heck out of him like most derailments B) Would've gave a decent example
Ok so i've done/currently filming or going to film:
Episdoe 1 - Creating a thread
Epispde 2- Gettting A "Partnered" Badge
Episode 3 - VIP Memberships
Episode 4 - Quoting & Liking a post

Any other episode ideas ?

Everyone & Reina or Michael do u have any ideas ?

I'm running out of ideas :(

Introduction to YTtalk should be the first chapter, haha. :) But, that just my opinion and it's up to you!