How to Work Facebook for Channel??


I Love YTtalk
Okay so I used to have a personal Facebook a long time ago but deleted it because I hated everyone I went to school with lol. So I've been hearing that Facebook is a great place to promote videos and channels and such but idk how to go about that. Do I have to make personal one again? I heard there are groups you have to find that match the same interests with you, then you'll grow more.
I already have a Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest but they all have a low followers count at least 20-70
So how will I have better luck? or will I be stuck in the same boat?
You can make brand specific "pages" IE you're basically an admin of it and can post as your "brand" name, and people follow it (not friend it), but facebook really tries to push you to buy advertisements to get your page out there. Having just randoms stumble onto it, is rather difficult/impossible... so it's either an investment if you want it, or just something to have down the line as your following moves with you to it.
If you already have some social media it probably won´t have great effects on the result.
The american audience is very active on twitter (in germany you have to use facebook to have a good result) and it is really easy to just publish a tweet everytime your video comes out. But that isn´t a reason to follow you, your followers want some extra content on your social media that is worth watching/seeing/reading, otherwise its just more "noise" they filter out.
I have a personal facebook page that I use to promote and it really helps my views increase. But that being said, I have almost 800 friends on facebook. If you make a facebook page I only see that being beneficial if you have a personal page too.
I don`t really get good results with Facebook, my page does not grow and its mostly friends who follow me there. I will try to promote my page at a later stage though.