That's very true, having 1 very successful video or videoseries will make people stick around. First they just subscribe for that specific series, but the more they see of you, the more they like other stuff you do as well. That's pretty much how my youtube experience has grown. (as a subscriber, not a video creator) I used to watch gaming channels just for the gameplay, but after a while I just watch because I really like the person who made the video.
For example, since I'm mostly subscribed to gaming channels, I started watching xJawz for his gameplay. After a while I found other gamers like Ons1augh7, WoodysGamertag, etc. Now I hardly ever watch any xJawz videos, because I was only interested in him for the gameplay. But I watch 100% of Ons1augh7's or Woody's videos, just beacuse I like watching and listening to them for who they are. I even watch videos about games I 'm not interested in whatsoever, but if they're the people talking over it, I'll watch it for them, not the games. And I think that's how a lot of channels can grow.
I also hope that my How To Win FFA series is going to be the step in the right direction for me. When I look at my RTC Live commentary games, I get about 30-40 views. But my least popular FFA video has 62 views right now, and the most popular one has 143. So that's a much more popular series, and I hope that can make people subscribe for the FFA videos, and stick around for me.