Julia and Claire
Liking YTtalk
This year we are going into high school. This past year when we were in 8th grade, we barely had any homework, so we had a very free schedule to film and edit videos. In high school, we will get a lot more homework, we have to complete our PE credits outside of school (an hour a day), and we have a couple extra curricular activities. We also used to be able to get back to film from school a lot quicker in middle school since we lived close, but now the high school is a lot farther, so we would loose some time on the way home. On top of that, since there are two of us, scheduling is already harder since we have to find times when we can both film. We really want to continue youtube, but we're not sure how it'll be possible when there will be so many new adjustments going into high school. We'll really try to find a way and we'll probably work it out, but we thought we'd ask for some opinions on how to deal with this situation in case any of you had some input.
Julia and Claire
This year we are going into high school. This past year when we were in 8th grade, we barely had any homework, so we had a very free schedule to film and edit videos. In high school, we will get a lot more homework, we have to complete our PE credits outside of school (an hour a day), and we have a couple extra curricular activities. We also used to be able to get back to film from school a lot quicker in middle school since we lived close, but now the high school is a lot farther, so we would loose some time on the way home. On top of that, since there are two of us, scheduling is already harder since we have to find times when we can both film. We really want to continue youtube, but we're not sure how it'll be possible when there will be so many new adjustments going into high school. We'll really try to find a way and we'll probably work it out, but we thought we'd ask for some opinions on how to deal with this situation in case any of you had some input.
Julia and Claire