How often do you make Milestone Videos?

its probably up to the person making the vids, but i would love to do it for every 500 :) since that really means alot
I did one for every 100, (100,200,300,etc.), and have currently been doing them for each 1,000. When I hit 10,000 I'll probably start doing them every 10,000. I guess the the routine changes every time a new digit gets added on, haha. I also do them if something profound happens, like a partnership :)
The only one I've done so far is for my partnership, but I haven't done one for views or subs yet (I am waiting until I reach 1,000 for that).

I've seen some folks do them after 10 subs or sometimes 5 subs. Some people never seem to do them.

What's your take? Do you make them or do you just let them slide?
I haven't yet but like Pearl definatley a 100th video and probably 500 subscribers and 100,000 views. From there I do not know as of yet.
I think milestone videos should be done not too frequently, where everything becomes a milestone, but intermittently. You can always thank your subscribers and viewers in videos but making a milestone video is like having a celebration. If I were to make a milestone video, I would think, in the overall scheme of things, if that particular event is going to be something I look back on to say, "I did that? Wow!!"
A celebration every week (50 views...100 views, etc.) wouldn't feel like a special event to me anymore. That's just going to hang out--like that one house on your street that has a "party" every weekend.
I've just realized that in spite of passing many milestones, I've never celebrated a single one on my channel with anything more than "business as usual".
I have never reached a "milestone" before but if did it would probably be every 10k subscribers that way I can make more actual videos that my subscribers subscribed for in the first place. Also like what Lilikoi said I want it to still seem special.
I've wanted to do a milestone since 100 but given my long production time I always miss them lol-at 1,000 I'm just gonna name the video, "100, 500, 1,000 Sub Special" or something.
I kind of made one for 1000 subs but it was more about telling why I removed a pant load of videos. However, the next two things I'm milestoning (yeah, I made that word up) is 100,000 views and then 5000 subs.