How many videos a day?(Gaming)

I don't really like people who post videos everyday actually xD I'm the type of person who gets bored/annoyed when a gamer post too many videos in one day. Unless that person is Pyschadelicsnake who has every reason to post so much video in one day (who was on a massive hiatus for about 6 month - 1 year).

Well, you could try one or two videos on the weekends. That's what I'm thinking about.
hey guys,

so on my LP channel i am starting a new lp on monday that i plan to release a new video for every day, the problem is that i record the entire weeks episodes in one sitting since its only really 1hour and 45 mins of playtime and it leaves me with nothing to do for the rest of the week(except my keebzy show videos but i still have a ton of time free) so i was curious, since i don't want to spam my subscriber feed... how many videos a day is too many? i could see me doing 2 maybe 3 a day and i was wondering if that would p**s people off since i know i don't like it when someone uploads a ton of videos at a time. anyways would love to hear your thoughts on this,
I should also mention that the 2 or 3 videos every day would all be of different games never 2 episodes of the same game would go up on the same day.
If I like the person then there is never enough (Robbaz). Some people...(ssohkpc) release to many videos a day 4-6 and I get really annoyed. So yeah... I dont know. If you have a low amount of subs I would release a tone and at least get more videos out to get noticed.
Keep in mind that if you saturate your subscibers' feed they will view fewer of your videos. I'd focus on making fewer but much higher quality videos. Try to edit them to be interesting, etc.
Spend time on your videos... you don't want to overload peoples sub boxes completely with you being a small channel. People will end up becoming annoyed and eventually unsub you because you fill up their sub box. What you need to try to do is just make a schedule of releasing high-quality game content a few times a week. Maybe try having two videos during the week and then one at weekends? When you start up your LP channel you want to make sure that you produce the highest quality videos possible to help you to gain subscribers, and once you have gained a larger subscriber base, then you should start thinking about uploading more videos (maybe daily) :)

Hope this helps :D