How many videos a day?(Gaming)

I upload LP vids every 2-3 days per series. I upload an Audiosurf video every day or every 2 days sometimes, just try not to upload more than 3-4 videos a day :D
I upload LP vids every 2-3 days per series. I upload an Audiosurf video every day or every 2 days sometimes, just try not to upload more than 3-4 videos a day :D
lol i'd never go over 3 videos a day :P unless it was like an extended special for a holiday or something xD
i would make not too many. better a good video with high quality than manymany and low quality
i tend to do lets plays and live commentaries though so quality is all in the commentary :P which i can usually manage to talk incessantly for about an hour a day which gives me way too many videos xD i guess i'm just going to do what i have been doing which is 1 LP part a day and the occasional mmo commentary :P