How many Subscribers do you LOSE?

yeah well, I am. But ok, play it cool... go there and say "hey dude. I saw you've left. it's cool, no worries. You don't know what's you're gonna miss but hey, cool, it's your decision."
Or be like "Hey you left that is cool your girlfriend subscribed.. just saying.."
I've lost one or two, only because i had to go on a short trip somewhere & it was last minute... they defs unsub when i don't give them content haha :p The only other time i lost one totally unrelated to this was because she was a total immature cow & she unsubbed cos she thought it would affect me lololol Totally showed her :p I lost her (fortunately actually lol) but gained so much more within days!
Hi guys,

I'm just wondering... there is a statistic that if the 10-20% of your subscribers watching your new video in 24 hours, that is good, that is the average, which seems odd, but that's what they say XD I cannot find anything about subscriber loss.
I gained 250 subscribers and lost 35 in a month. This seems too much for me. Would you mind checking yours and letting me know so I can compare?
Looks like I had 1 sub for 4 years lol!