How many mistakes do you make when recording?

The biggest mistake I make is saying "um" about 20 times per video. If I could avoid stumbling so much I feel that my videos would be much better.
Lol I mess up an incredible amount of times, even with scripts xD the bad part is I just get angry so I can't put them in bloopers xD
LOTS! I have got better with the umms and emms but I still do it quite frequently. And I make a ton of mistakes haha I record for about 16 minutes and whittle that down to around 2 minutes of a video :)
Hahaha it's not just you. Everyone makes mistakes hahaha. Like when I vlog, I record for about 17 minutes but the actual video itself is about 3 - 4 minutes. And when I do skits with friends and stuff, we mess up and laugh all the time. It's part of the fun of making videos haha :)
Well with sciBRIGHT I will take 5-7 minutes to draw out a 1 minute video, mostly due to me having to check the script and also because I have to rub everything out and draw new things. I have to record my voice for usually 2 minutes per 1 minute video, mostly due to me making a mistake every so often, so I just repeat the sentence and continue!
Well, during our voice acting sessions, my brother and I have made a few mistakes, but it is mostly inflection rather than adding 'ums.'