How many mistakes do you make when recording?

Everyone makes mistakes :D

Some more than others.

Even smosh make mistakes, which they will show you in some blooper video at the end of their video :P
With my sit down and talk videos I typically record for about 7-10 minutes and then edit it down to about 3-4 minutes. If it's a sketch however. I'll have hour or more of footage for a 3 minute video haha.
i like to not analyze and keep it natural
and im the less perfectionist person in the universe.
Hahaha nice! For me, even after I upload a video, if I watch it again (even if it's doing well) and don't like something. I'll remove it and try to keep the best videos there.
I get about 3 minutes out of 40 of recording.

Roughly seven bad takes for every passable one.

Damn, that's about the same ratio I have XD.
Everyone makes tons of mistakes. Probably 3 quarters of raw footage wont make the video. Bottom line is if you don't like what you are saying just try it again. Dont forget to embrace the mistakes, although you want to sound professional it makes you human and you have a better connection to the audience. And everyone likes watching someone mess up :)