How has YouTube impacted your life?

YouTube gave me something to do to take my mind off worries. Now I make videos and even though I don't have many subscribers I've found its a fun hobby.

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how has youtube changed my life. ummmmm it made me a lot busier and i earn't me some pocket money
Honestly, YouTube is the reason why I feel productive, there's not many things I look forward to doing but just working on YouTube as my hobby is insanely fun and entertaining. I have made many good friends and learned great stuff by simply going out there and interacting. Also it is somehow related to my study so that's a big plus! :D
Honestly, YouTube is the reason why I feel productive, there's not many things I look forward to doing but just working on YouTube as my hobby is insanely fun and entertaining. I have made many good friends and learned great stuff by simply going out there and interacting. Also it is somehow related to my study so that's a big plus! :D
Thats Awesome!!
It's allowed me to unleash my creative side which was yearning to be used. It's a kind of expressionism and it makes me happy when people are entertained and enjoy my content. I love the YouTube I wish I started years ago.
Youtube is part and parcel with my life. The only trouble is lots of people know I can do an ok job with video editing now so when they need something doing, they always come my way but now I start charging because some people are expecting me to make feature films for them! Not that I can actually make feature films but I'd like to see if I could if given the time and money!
I've really opened up creatively, and became much more comfortable speaking, not only to the camera, but person-to-person, as well.

I've been a playwright for many years, and I go through lots of times where I don't feel very creative or have any ideas, but the pressure of thinking up a couple of loose scripts for videos every week gets my mind going and I find it really helps me in my writing and in just looking at the world in a more creative way.
Youtube has made me more confident with who I am, allowed me to reach out and make friends with common minds and goals. It helps having people in your life who understand your hobby, who understand what you are trying to achieve. We all believe in each other and help each other, and I love the fact that I found this.