
Liking YTtalk
Hey what's up everyone. I'm big on basketball and make NBA mixes. What ya'll think of my channel and how it is set up. Lmk how I did and what I should do to improve. Your feedback means alot guys. I know I got talent I just need it too grow in terms of my audience. I would love to return the favor just comment back. Also is my editing style something I should continue with and really push my channels growth with or should I change it. People say i'm creative but I don't know if that is enough to grow.
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I think it's good, but there's room for improvement. The biggest thing I see to work on is adding more sections to your channel page, because having those is part of what's going to get people to click on your stuff!
I think it's good, but there's room for improvement. The biggest thing I see to work on is adding more sections to your channel page, because having those is part of what's going to get people to click on your stuff!
thanks bro gonna make that change now