How does a channel get 179K subs with no content?

Jungle Explorer

I Love YTtalk
So, I got a comment on one of my videos today asking if I wanted to be friends. I decided to check the person's channel out to see if their content aligned with my own. When I got to the channel profile, I saw the channel had 179K subs. I was like, "Hey! This looks a serious channel here. " Then I clicked on videos and the did not have a single video. Now, how does a channel get 179K subs with NO CONTENT? Inquiring minds want to know.

Here is a screenshot of the channel.

179K subs.jpg
It could be that they used to have a channel, but put all of their videos on private. There were also those "200k subs with no videos!" channels that were kind of popular 5ish years ago. They would go around video comment sections and ask for subscribers. It could be that once they met their goal, they changed their channel name to something else...
The channels that leave comments like that are bots. Sometimes they comment within the first minute after you publish your video. Recently some Youtubers were talking about bots like that that can actually hack you if you interract with the comment or the channel. I'm not sure if it's true but i for the safety's sake i'd stay away from those channels and delete those comments as quickly as they appear.

Also, nice jumper.
Yeah, the recent "Let's be friends" commenting was deemed to be bots I think. Be careful.

There was a thread about this here:

Thanks. Aside from being a YouTuber, I am a Nature photographer. Well, I shoot about 95% nature. If you like bugs. You should check out my insect gallery on my website:

I have some more insect photos here:

I definitely will. I love spiders and insects. I have a plan to make a jumping spider a character on my Youtube channel.