How do you remember what to say?

I usually wing it, having only thought out the bullet points in advance. However, if I need to quote something or I need to stick to a certain order, I write the key terms on a post it and put it under the lens of my camera. I'm sitting quite close to the camera, so I can quickly check it, without looking far away from the lens :)
So a problem I have with making videos is that I know EXACTLY what I am going to say.... Until it comes to filming.
As soon as I press the record button, it is gone, everything, all my amazing ideas that I was so excited to use...

So what I want to know is do you have this problem? Have you ever encountered this problem? And what do you do to resolve this problem? The problem I find with writing a script is that I then take my eyes away from the camera (unless its a gaming commentary of course) but yeah.... Any tips?

I write out the whole thing word for word. That way I don't forget anything. I have a hard enough time filling my videos with audio without forgetting anything.
Agh I'm EXACTLY the same! When I look back on my video, I always seem to say something that doesn't make any sense and I forget how to pronounce words properly! I think it because I'm nervous! I think I shall try the bullet points idea next time!
I practice my script a couple of days before filming so it consolidates in my brain. I usually practice it out loud when I'm setting up, and then I record 2-3 times (in case the audio gets messed up by a car, or I feel I can express the sentence better in another take).
It does take work to learn the script, especially when it is something technical, but I think I'm learning the balance between it being fresh and natural, but conserving structure. :)
If the camera makes you nervous, practicing in front of the camera without it recording has helped me in the past.
I keep a set of bullet points of what i need to say and when my mind goes black and I keep saying ummm and ah i usually cut that out but i suggest you try to keep a set of bullet points or edit out when you're thinking. ^-^
I used bullet points for the audio for my Pokemon Theory and that seemed to work for me though I've been told that I really need to work on my delivery. I sound bored a lot of the time and I have been putting effort forth to sound more excited and get more into the voice overs for the games that I do. And yes, for the most part and for most of my series' I do post-production voice overs because the voice is that much easier to edit and you generally don't lose game sounds when editing if you do it that way.
So a problem I have with making videos is that I know EXACTLY what I am going to say.... Until it comes to filming.
As soon as I press the record button, it is gone, everything, all my amazing ideas that I was so excited to use...

So what I want to know is do you have this problem? Have you ever encountered this problem? And what do you do to resolve this problem? The problem I find with writing a script is that I then take my eyes away from the camera (unless its a gaming commentary of course) but yeah.... Any tips?
What I have done is write the script, then in audacity, stop recording after 1 paragraph and start the next.
I don't like scripts, they seem too planned out. Instead I take a notebook and write down bullet points, and then try to structure it like an essay. Introduction, thesis, transitions, supports, and a conclusion. Helps me a lot.
I always forget, so when I see after what I forgot I film that part separately and make it fit in editing later with jump cuts. But you have to be careful about the light and dressing to be exactly as it was while you were filming the first time.