How do you guys come up with video ideas?

Since i'm fairly small, I usually just look for something i'm interested in, put a twist in it, and upload it to youtube, although if your audience is big or is very active in commenting you can get some suggestions
Fortunately we cover a broad range of subjects so there is a lot of material to draw from. We are both full time scientists so enjoy being curious about many things. Currently we are just making videos about things we like or are interested in researching, talking about, as it is a hobby as well so it has to be fun. I reckon we will start looking at subjects that are popular and relevant as current events, but definitely no Brangelina type-stuff!
I'm wondering how you guys come up with ideas on what to film. Do you look at stuff trending? Do you brainstorm?

Me personally, I go about my daily life until a random idea just pops in my head. I immediately note it down and then when I have time i plan in my head on how to make this idea in to a video and if the ball gets rolling and I get excited. I know I should film it

I look for outrageous weird things in the real world, but them in a skit, and connect the dots to make a story out of it :)
I'm wondering how you guys come up with ideas on what to film. Do you look at stuff trending? Do you brainstorm?

Me personally, I go about my daily life until a random idea just pops in my head. I immediately note it down and then when I have time i plan in my head on how to make this idea in to a video and if the ball gets rolling and I get excited. I know I should film it

Anything that pops into mind for me is a video idea, even if it is just one word it doesn't matter. I use the notes app on my iPhone every time I come up with something. I make it a check list and tick everyone off once I have used them or put them together with other ideas.

As it's Halloween season maybe think of some spooky videos like DIY mugs, scary games, CONSPIRACY THEORIES etc.

A good idea is making your videos with a link to what is happening that month/day/season or what is happening around the world.

Have fun experimenting with different ideas!
Definitely viewer comments. I used to ignore viewer comments because I didn't feel like making a video based on the topics they were choosing. Eventually, I started taking on some of their ideas and more often than not, those videos did really well. Now my videos are almost exclusively based on viewer comments. Only occasionally do I make a video non-comment related.
Same thing with me. Almost all my videos are from requests from fans. Once in a while I'll put one of my ideas up (or from my wife or mom).
Viewer comments, wife, children, friends, a random stranger on the street - just let your brain do what it is best at :)
I'm often put off by things that are currently trending and it sometimes bugs me to know that I really should jump on the band wagon. But with soooo many people doing videos on the same topic, I worry it gets boring by the time people watch my video on the same thing.

So I often try to do something different or something I'm currently enjoying and is new to me. I often come up with ideas while i'm at work or walking to and from work. Sometimes during conversation ideas spark in my mind.

I have a lot I want to try out but I need better equipment first. Thats the only thing holding me back at the moment.