How do you balance YouTube life with your regular life?

Do you manage another Job alongside YouTube?

  • Nope, doing it full time baby!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah it’s a pain

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Yeah its not too bad

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Kind of, YouTube is my job but I still have a small part time job

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My school comes first, because that is most important to me. Youtube is like fun and hopefully i can make it a job some day, but I yeah who knows. Job wise meh I don't neeeed a job really because student loans it up really lmfao I am reckless in that sense I guess. Plus I don't see the need to stretch myself so thin that I will risk my health over it all ya know?
I try to have videos scheduled ahead of time. I publish daily. If for some reason I don’t have one for a certain day, I usually just do one when I can spare some time. I usually do them at night or when I’m not doing something else. I have a full time job and wife and kids, but I don’t find it difficult to fit a video in when I need to.
Yeah, it's hard... :S Google Calendar is your friend! Block out all the times you know you cannot work on YouTube stuff, and add a time element to your YouTube tasks onto your calendar -- you'll see more time available than you might initially think, but then motivation becomes the issue. No one wants to plop down in front of the computer for a few hours of editing after a day of work in front of another computer...But you have to pretend your scheduled work on your calendar is just important to show up for as meetings with actual people.

I've found some success doing things in batch mode -- so a day of filming, another day of editing, another day of uploading / scheduling, etc.... Since then, I sort of fell off the consistency bandwagon, but it did work for about a year. :eek:
Like any self-employment, you will work far more than you ever would in a regular job and it's your responsibility to make sure you do what you need to do because there is no one to push you and keep you working. You also have no safety net. If you fail, it's your fault.
Well, my first income is my freelance work as Filmmaker then Youtube when i have time. i don't want stress out like " Ho my god, i need to release a video on youtube!" etc
what im doing on youtube and my freelance work are the same business: Making films.
So when i have time and the idea, i make my own short films on youtube that i share with everybody.
But for now, Job first!
But if Youtube become, officially my Job, i will still keep doing my freelance's one ;) when you love what are you doing, you are never tired.
I do youtube full time bab!.... I only wish, I am not even relatively close for that yet. However, I do take youtube seriously and invest A LOT of time into my channel and videos. I am also attending university, and have somewhat a hard time juggling university, family, work etc. I only hope that someday my channel becomes big enough that I could somehow go full time on youtube.
In the same boat I work 2 Jobs, one ft, one pt and school. I set aside one day SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUTUBE. I film in the morning, and edit through the whole day. In the evening I edit my thumbnail, create the description, and upload the video and schedule it for when it goes up. If I’m filming a short video I’ll prerecord a couple of videos for upcoming weeks.