How do they do it?

When I make a video I like to edit it and try to make it as fun a watch as I can. I've been uploading YuGiOh vids lately and I noticed that on most YuGiOh vids it's difficult to follow due to not being able to see the cards properly or tell exactly what they are doing with them. I didn't want people to feel lost so I decided to make a sort of UI for the video that shows score, turn, and the last card played in hopes that people would be able to follow with ease. This took me a very long time as I don't have that much skill with editing. After that it was a matter of fighting with Vegas to get it to do what I wanted with other editing effects. My FEAR 2 LP's didn't take too long to make but I did have trouble getting some things right that even the very first videos those big youtubers I mentioned did not have at all.
The difference comes from experience. You'll have trouble making maybe your first 10, 20 videos, but after a 100, if you're still having trouble, it may be a wise idea to pick a new hobby :) You get better and faster over time. For your card game videos, why don't you try to hang the camera down from some light fixture above the table? That may help with visibility if you move things around a bit in the room.
3gb video is ridiculous. a 10 minute full HD video should be a 500mb tops.
Game videos are very easy to produce. Especially game commentators like toby.
Sit down, record for a half hour. Slap it into your video template, render out with intro and outro.
It would take me 3 hours tops for recording rendering and uploading.

And then you can record them in bulk as well. Record for 5 hours. Set them in your render queue over night with your intro and outros.
Then you have videos for the next week or more.

If it is sketches that is a whole different story. But simple start and stop commentary is as simple as it gets.
My GoPro videos are huge compared to other cameras. Some shorter high quality videos reach the GB mark sometimes.
My GoPro videos are huge compared to other cameras. Some shorter high quality videos reach the GB mark sometimes.

Gigabytes are normal for uncompressed or lightly compressed videos. But if you try to upload those before compression, especially on a slow connection, you're gonna have a bad time.
The difference comes from experience. You'll have trouble making maybe your first 10, 20 videos, but after a 100, if you're still having trouble, it may be a wise idea to pick a new hobby :) You get better and faster over time. For your card game videos, why don't you try to hang the camera down from some light fixture above the table? That may help with visibility if you move things around a bit in the room.

Well, this is one thing I'm really trying to devote my best effort and time to. I've picked up a lot of hobbies and projects in the past that have fallen through and made me give up. This is the one thing I'm planning on making work no matter how long it takes me. I've given up too many times in the past due to poor feedback and I don't want to do that with this.

The next match we have I am planning on trying to find a better angle for the camera. It's just difficult in this tiny little apartment lol. Also the cam should be higher quality. It's just getting these vids up to the point where it's really enjoyable to watch and then somehow getting the vids out to people better.
3gb video is ridiculous. a 10 minute full HD video should be a 500mb tops.
Game videos are very easy to produce. Especially game commentators like toby.
Sit down, record for a half hour. Slap it into your video template, render out with intro and outro.
It would take me 3 hours tops for recording rendering and uploading.

And then you can record them in bulk as well. Record for 5 hours. Set them in your render queue over night with your intro and outros.
Then you have videos for the next week or more.

If it is sketches that is a whole different story. But simple start and stop commentary is as simple as it gets.

500mb for 10 minute video top? That's not true. I am working with after effects mostly. Sometimes 3 seconds video is about 16gb full HD.

I do run it through handbrake before uploading but 3gb is the smallest it goes, before that its at about 40gb+.

Try to re-render it in a different codec or format and then run it through handbrake!
You take your. Video. Put it on windows movie maker and save it. It will save in a smaller memory size which is easier to upload.
I'd like to challenge all vloggers that say producing gaming videos is easy to producing one :p It all depends, it can be very easy, or it can be very time consuming depending on what you're trying to accomplish. One could say the same about vlogging. Get in front of a camera, rant about something random and done in 10 minutes ;)
I've done both, lets plays and general gaming montagees are preeetty damn easy.
A few things:
1. They probably record content days ahead of it's release.
2. May have more than one computer. One to record, the other to render.
3. Editors? Some channels pay people to edit the videos on their channel. It's a possibility.
4. Their videos aren't 3gb big. (Seriously bro. Take a look at your video render settings because that's ridiculous.)

Probably more factors to this. Though this is the main ones I'm thinking of.