I've Got It
When I make a video I like to edit it and try to make it as fun a watch as I can. I've been uploading YuGiOh vids lately and I noticed that on most YuGiOh vids it's difficult to follow due to not being able to see the cards properly or tell exactly what they are doing with them. I didn't want people to feel lost so I decided to make a sort of UI for the video that shows score, turn, and the last card played in hopes that people would be able to follow with ease. This took me a very long time as I don't have that much skill with editing. After that it was a matter of fighting with Vegas to get it to do what I wanted with other editing effects. My FEAR 2 LP's didn't take too long to make but I did have trouble getting some things right that even the very first videos those big youtubers I mentioned did not have at all.