How do I know when I reach 4000 watch hours???

Mark Stise

Loving YTtalk
Hello Everyone

Well as I expected my Chatting with Mark Stise channel was demonetized.
No surprise there as I only have 475 subscribers so for.
I'm not worried about getting to 1,000 Subscribers
It's the 4000 hours of watch time I'm not very clear on.
Is it 4,000 Hours of watch time per year that we have to maintain?
Is it 4,000 Hours of watch time over the lifetime of your channel?
Or is it something totally different?

This inquiring Youtuber wants to know
So can anyone help me out and explain this?
Mark Stise
If you go to the monitization page under 'channel' and it'll tell you your total watch time for the last 12 months.

Yes it is total watch time within a 12 month period so watch time for month 13 will drop off and not be counted towards your 4000 target