How did you get your channel name?

Our first Lets PLay was Skyrim, and it was kind've an inside joke for my co-host and I that we'd collect cabbages everywhere we went in the game because I was trying to fill the basement of one of my houses with cabbages.
When we started recording, it just kinda made sense.
Mine actually came from an insult. I used to have a birthmark on my face and when I had it removed someone thought it'd be cute to say, "Ann, no mole." I played off of that and Louisianimal (lil wayne), slapped on makeup and here we are today. Having "makeup" in the name sounds so basic but for branding purposes it makes it REALLY easy for people to figure out what you do.
I got my name from a friend who started calling me Dazbat and it just kinda stuck.
Basically my name is a rendition of part of my first name as well as a funny play on Jack The Ripper. Since I play a lot of horror games, I thought it would be a good idea to have it relate to what a lot of my channel would include!
I was kinda making a lot of channels at the time and noticed that this variation (jingiebeils) was still available so I saved the username and became active on it after I uploaded a video for a presentation on it.

All the other channels that I made were cleaned up by YouTube, this one survived :U
Well...."Pseudo" is one of my words that I use frequently in various context on a daily. I use words like "Semi", "sorta", or "neutral". In real life I have a very neutral personality, Im not always one sided and I see things through all aspects before making a call.
"Exon" -Coming from the old english terms means "exempt", or to "stand out". Kinda like the old school play. My friends/associates always say I try to stand out from the in crowd and I don't always go with the grain. Which is true because being unique is better than being bland.

Just put the two together and there you go.
I love this question, because I get it all the time when I talk to people in real when the first thing my Aunt says after not seeing me for about 7 months is, "Where in the hell did you come up with the name Cherry Quench?" good Internet friend of 7 years or so and I were on Black Ops 2 one night. We don't very much enjoy playing Call of Duty multiplayer much rather than to chat. The newest trend of his (while not original) was to get high (kids, don't do illegal stuff) and play Black Ops 2 and just talk to me, while I'm a person that never takes any form of drugs, coffee, alcohol, etc. (I'm not fun to be around at a party).

Now I should preface what he said after achieving his...conscious status by saying that all of our weapon class names on any Call of Duty have odd-end names. It's usually combining two or more words in a weird fashion. classes would be named Badger Twist, Magenta Fart, Railroad Addiction, etc.

With that being said, knowing that I had my old name Reckoning Nite for about 5-6 years, my friend just says out of the blue, "You know what would make a good new Gamertag? Cherry Quench!"

"Yeah...," I said, as I put more thought into the associations of the words. "It's like a really cold, refreshing Hawaiian Punch or something."

And so becomes the genesis of the name.
I've used FlavorIess (The second l is an i) for a few years now mainly on Xbox. Recently moved over to PC. It doesn't really mean anything, I'm pretty it started from when I bought a skateboard that said "enjoi the flavor" and ever since have liked the word "Flavor".