Choosing the channel name, oh boy...
This was one of the reasons I postponed making videos for soooo long. I just could not decide what to name my channel... and kept telling myself I will start making videos once I have a channel name. Such a silly thing to do, but it was quite a big problem for me. The first idea that came to my mind was FloFloBear (which is what my girlfriend sometimes calls me), but did not want to use that as it was something special. I thought I must come up with something better, and spent months thinking about it now and then.
I never had (good) usernames or nicknames in games or forums so it was incredibly difficult to come up with something just for my channel. I used to just put down name of book characters or game characters or bands or something I liked. But I didn't want that for my youtube channel (for obvious reasons). I wanted something easy to remember but also a name that I liked and which showed a bit of who I am.
It took forever, but in the end I realised that I actually loved FloFloBear which was the first idea that came to mind and went with it. It felt silly and fun and personal, and I think that's what is the most important. So if you are reading this and you are in a situation like I was, stop thinking about the BEST channel name out there and pick the one your instinct is first drawn to. You will love it more and you will start doing videos sooner.
So what inspired you and how did you choose your channel name? Tell us your story!