Hey Gamers, Can I see your Logos?

Hi! I see you have been posting a lot in the graphic section, which is great :) First off what program do you use?
Second, I notice your style of banners seem either cluttered or hardly anything there. Let me explain.
On Gaffer Games channel, you have done the avatar and channel design.
There is no texture to the banner, it is just a plain blue background. To improve this add a slight gradient, pixelate it a bit or even add a vignette.
Now, onto the detail. On gaffer games channel he has a twitter and steam ID link, put them into the actual banner itself again to break it up a bit.
I believe you have used the mirrors edge logo for the left and right hand side, why?
A banner is something that is used to attract the audience, if a banner is really simple then they will not stay as it is one of the first things they see when they go onto a channel.
Onto another channel banner, le fancy narwhal. Again, no information, granted there is a gradient but it could be better look at some other gradients and see how they use it etc.
Also, you have used some images, did you make them yourself? If not they author may get pretty p****d if there isn't any credit.
Overall, keep practising look at some graphic design forums to see the techniques they use.
Or speak to people on here, like BlockDesigns he is an amazing GFX and VFX artist, check out his portfolio he uses textures and patterns to make his GFX really high quality (Great Job BTW Block :))
Overall, keep practising and research on different techniques :)[DOUBLEPOST=1372706774,1372694931][/DOUBLEPOST]TechTac
Thanks for the tips I'll be sure to take this into mind next time I make something :)
And me and Block are buddies I know him :P
I have a few options for you:
1) You could have a simple cartoon style drawing of a taco with human like features playing video games, possibly with a crazy colorful background to represent techno music.
2)Your logo could simply be a taco, either from a picture or a cartoon taco, maybe with a silly rainbow background.
3) You could abbreviate TechnoTacoStudios into TTS. Usually short and sweet titles make it easier to make a logo that wouldn't involve cartoon characters or elements. Possibly combine letters together to create a shape that looks interesting. It doesn't necessarily still need to be legible.

Something I threw together. Drew the logo for myself and saved it as transparent background so I could use it later on different things and then later made this as a separate file.

I didn't make my channel art, though, someone did it for me. Plan on doing it sometime soon.
If you look at my logo, it's really just random. Like it has nothing to do with me. I just saw it on some FaceBook post, and I was like "Hey! That's it!"
So anything from your everyday life can just be your logo? You know what I'm saying. Maybe a Taco with a freaking face~! Or just a taco. xD
I think this has inspired me to make a youtube video tutorial on how to do this in photoshop. Im not an artist by any means, but I have done about a hundred different forum sigs and channel backgrounds for people, and have found a style I seem to like, which requires only basic use of photoshop, and no artistic talent.
For reference, you can see my channel art (/ohaple), or some of the ones I've done, I will list a couple below (hope this isnt channel promotion, I just figured its neater than posting a bunch of huge images) Some are better than others, but I think they are good enough for your average medium/small channel. It would also help if creators knew how to upload... a few only uploaded in reduced quality.
/fsd12456 (he wanted a tron theme. I find it hard to read, but he likes it.)

here are some forum sigs I did with the same method




So here are the steps (abbreviated as much as possible). This is not the end-all guide, but will explain how to get results like my stuff above. If you don't like the style of those, then this tutorial isn't for you.

Go to 1001freefonts and look through a bunch of fonts, until you find one that is just perfect for you. Readability is more important than style. Install that font and remember its name.

Go find free photoshop effects presets, And browse around until you find a preset that you like. Install the preset.

Go to brusheezy and wade through lots of brushes till you find some you like. Texture ones like clouds and dirt are particularly useful.

Go to the stickied link on ytt that has the new template and get the template for the new youtube layout.

Open a photoshop file that is the same size as the template. Add the template to its own layer, put it on top, set it to 50% transparency, and lock the layer. (click the eye icon every now and then to see the true colors of what you are designing)

Decide on your color scheme. A color scheme should usually be simple. 1-2 colors, plus greyscale. You could be green and dark grey, with small purple accents in places. Use this great tool to get exact color codes so you can find the exact complimentary colors if you want. colorschemedesigner dot com Enter your primary color and one greyscale "color" into the gradient tool, and

Make a new layer for your main text. Select your font, type the text, then add the preset effect to the layer. Tweak the individual effect parameters to change the color, or other features to really make it your own.

Make a new layer for your secondary text. This is for your slogan, or description. Use the same font, or another simple and clear font (emphasis on clear since it will be smaller) and type your text. Add an effect preset that is complimentary to, but not the same as, your main font. Using neutral blacks, greys, and whites, can be nice here. Tweak your effects.

Make sure that the text layers are positioned such that they fit into the "mobile" section of the template.

Add any social links now. They should fit outside the mobile section of the template, but still in the desktop section of the template. Make sure they are all the same size, and are either the brand's color (light blue for twitter) or a color in your color scheme. Put them each in their own layer for easier editing.

Now we play with brushes and accents. Take a texture style brush, like some dirt texture (make sure it is hd and at least as big as your template) and put it over the entire thing. Move the layer where you want it, it may look best only over the background gradient, but you may also want it over your social links or text. Set the transparency fairly low, and mess with the effects to get what you want.

Find a distinct and contrasting shape. Could be lightning, or a swirl, or even a simple logo. These can be found on brusheezy. Add this into the mix, and have it fit at least somewhat in the mobile section of the template. Apply an effect preset, and tweak it. This is a good time to use a complimentary color.

Do final tweaking to make sure everything fits, is centered where you want, and is readable. Make the template layer invisible, save your file, and put it on youtube.
I think this has inspired me to make a youtube video tutorial on how to do this in photoshop. Im not an artist by any means, but I have done about a hundred different forum sigs and channel backgrounds for people, and have found a style I seem to like, which requires only basic use of photoshop, and no artistic talent.
For reference, you can see my channel art (/ohaple), or some of the ones I've done, I will list a couple below (hope this isnt channel promotion, I just figured its neater than posting a bunch of huge images) Some are better than others, but I think they are good enough for your average medium/small channel. It would also help if creators knew how to upload... a few only uploaded in reduced quality.
/fsd12456 (he wanted a tron theme. I find it hard to read, but he likes it.)

here are some forum sigs I did with the same method




So here are the steps (abbreviated as much as possible). This is not the end-all guide, but will explain how to get results like my stuff above. If you don't like the style of those, then this tutorial isn't for you.

Go to 1001freefonts and look through a bunch of fonts, until you find one that is just perfect for you. Readability is more important than style. Install that font and remember its name.

Go find free photoshop effects presets, And browse around until you find a preset that you like. Install the preset.

Go to brusheezy and wade through lots of brushes till you find some you like. Texture ones like clouds and dirt are particularly useful.

Go to the stickied link on ytt that has the new template and get the template for the new youtube layout.

Open a photoshop file that is the same size as the template. Add the template to its own layer, put it on top, set it to 50% transparency, and lock the layer. (click the eye icon every now and then to see the true colors of what you are designing)

Decide on your color scheme. A color scheme should usually be simple. 1-2 colors, plus greyscale. You could be green and dark grey, with small purple accents in places. Use this great tool to get exact color codes so you can find the exact complimentary colors if you want. colorschemedesigner dot com Enter your primary color and one greyscale "color" into the gradient tool, and

Make a new layer for your main text. Select your font, type the text, then add the preset effect to the layer. Tweak the individual effect parameters to change the color, or other features to really make it your own.

Make a new layer for your secondary text. This is for your slogan, or description. Use the same font, or another simple and clear font (emphasis on clear since it will be smaller) and type your text. Add an effect preset that is complimentary to, but not the same as, your main font. Using neutral blacks, greys, and whites, can be nice here. Tweak your effects.

Make sure that the text layers are positioned such that they fit into the "mobile" section of the template.

Add any social links now. They should fit outside the mobile section of the template, but still in the desktop section of the template. Make sure they are all the same size, and are either the brand's color (light blue for twitter) or a color in your color scheme. Put them each in their own layer for easier editing.

Now we play with brushes and accents. Take a texture style brush, like some dirt texture (make sure it is hd and at least as big as your template) and put it over the entire thing. Move the layer where you want it, it may look best only over the background gradient, but you may also want it over your social links or text. Set the transparency fairly low, and mess with the effects to get what you want.

Find a distinct and contrasting shape. Could be lightning, or a swirl, or even a simple logo. These can be found on brusheezy. Add this into the mix, and have it fit at least somewhat in the mobile section of the template. Apply an effect preset, and tweak it. This is a good time to use a complimentary color.

Do final tweaking to make sure everything fits, is centered where you want, and is readable. Make the template layer invisible, save your file, and put it on youtube.
Great step by step guide! However please use font squirrel for fonts as these are commercially use and higher quality: D
Great step by step guide! However please use font squirrel for fonts as these are commercially use and higher quality: D
Good advice. I suppose most people on ytt will be wanting to monetize, so using commercial use fonts is a good idea. Same goes for brushes. You can always email a font creator or brush creator to ask permission for commercial use, even if the website does not outwardly say the files are for commercial use.

didnt realize this site has an edit timer.. that sucks, I was gonna edit the original guide with this info.
Pfft. What logo? I'll give myself a logo when I deserve one. As for now, I'll continue to use my random-as-hell Jonathan picture, thank you very much. lol

That's my full logo that goes on the channel art, intro, and under facecams but my icon to the left is my other logo. I hope you like :)