Hey Gamers, Can I see your Logos?

I don't think gaming channels have a particular style of banner art. :thumbsup2:

I know mine does not scream gaming at all and several other Youtubers I know do not either.
Hi! I see you have been posting a lot in the graphic section, which is great :) First off what program do you use?
Second, I notice your style of banners seem either cluttered or hardly anything there. Let me explain.
On Gaffer Games channel, you have done the avatar and channel design.
There is no texture to the banner, it is just a plain blue background. To improve this add a slight gradient, pixelate it a bit or even add a vignette.
Now, onto the detail. On gaffer games channel he has a twitter and steam ID link, put them into the actual banner itself again to break it up a bit.
I believe you have used the mirrors edge logo for the left and right hand side, why?
A banner is something that is used to attract the audience, if a banner is really simple then they will not stay as it is one of the first things they see when they go onto a channel.
Onto another channel banner, le fancy narwhal. Again, no information, granted there is a gradient but it could be better look at some other gradients and see how they use it etc.
Also, you have used some images, did you make them yourself? If not they author may get pretty p****d if there isn't any credit.
Overall, keep practising look at some graphic design forums to see the techniques they use.
Or speak to people on here, like BlockDesigns he is an amazing GFX and VFX artist, check out his portfolio he uses textures and patterns to make his GFX really high quality (Great Job BTW Block :))
Overall, keep practising and research on different techniques :)[DOUBLEPOST=1372706774,1372694931][/DOUBLEPOST]TechTac