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Natacha Martins

The First Lady of YTTALK
on the new youtube how do I see my subscribers? :S I can't find them, I went into my address book and presses subscribers but it just took me to my channel. so confused, anyone know where i can find them?
I dont think you can view them yet on the new YouTube layout, or so it seems that way, I cant find them myself and I have looked all over for them.
Go to your channel, it shows the amount of subscribers on the top right, next to the video views. (On the grey bar)
Go to your channel, it shows the amount of subscribers on the top right, next to the video views. (On the grey bar)

That seems to be all were left with now, we used to be able to remove a subscriber if we wanted to and view them in a list, I wonder what they will be doing for that or is that gone completely as well.
I figured out how to do it, when your logged in,on your channel press your subcribers


and it should take you to your subscribers

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