Giving Back To My Subscribers - New Series


Entertainer :D
Hey guys of Yttalk! I always love to come on here to make new friends and potentially meet awesome new subscribers :) Im Back2Respawn just B2R for shorthaha and i am well known for helping those within the youtube community by providing youtube shoutouts :)

Giving shoutouts is awesome and all but while gaming with 1 of my subscribers one night I loved the fun and interaction that i was having with him.

I have came up with a new series (not going to tell ;)) but it requires you guys with a youtube channel or you guys who just would like to meet me.

I have 1.7k subscribers almost 1.8k but If you would like to part take I am a XBOX player sorry PS fans also you must have either MW3 or COD: BO2.

Message me on youtube with your gamertag Back2respawn, Comment below , or message me on xbox (quickest way). I will try to start it today Tuesday :) it is 12 am now. approximately 12 noon i will start inviting :)
Aww, I don't have my Xbox anymore. :down:
I think it's pretty awesome that you do shoutouts, I do something similar. :D
I think it's cool you do shoutouts, aren't you afraid people are using you for shoutouts? I used to do them, and a bunch of people used me for them.
I was afriad of that cause bro believe it or not but i learned how to work around that haha. Truthfully the whole attitude that i have when i know that i am helping the community is that : I would rather help then not at all :) i want to be that friend with many :)
Hey guys of Yttalk! I always love to come on here to make new friends and potentially meet awesome new subscribers :) Im Back2Respawn just B2R for shorthaha and i am well known for helping those within the youtube community by providing youtube shoutouts :)

Giving shoutouts is awesome and all but while gaming with 1 of my subscribers one night I loved the fun and interaction that i was having with him.

I have came up with a new series (not going to tell ;)) but it requires you guys with a youtube channel or you guys who just would like to meet me.

I have 1.7k subscribers almost 1.8k but If you would like to part take I am a XBOX player sorry PS fans also you must have either MW3 or COD: BO2.

Message me on youtube with your gamertag Back2respawn, Comment below , or message me on xbox (quickest way). I will try to start it today Tuesday :) it is 12 am now. approximately 12 noon i will start inviting :)

Wow you are the kind of guy we need at the fore fronts of are youtube communities, not like the other more famous people. We need nice guys like you. By the way i would love to be involved, I got an xbox
Wow you are the kind of guy we need at the fore fronts of are youtube communities, not like the other more famous people. We need nice guys like you. By the way i would love to be involved, I got an xbox
Haha right now I am just a one man army right now haha :). But Right now I am just getting people in right now haha. Do you have BO2 or MW3 and please message me on xbox your gt