Getting so sick of advertisers


I Love YTtalk
Getting sick of people advertising their channels on peoples pages,
Yes, Youtubers, big and small can comment on anything they like.. It's when its painfully blatent and obvious and.. FAKE that it annoys the hell out of me..
eg. the example down there vvv

Sorry, Am I the only one so painfully annoyed by this?
Also, Commenting on a video then commenting on your comment right after with a 'lol' or a '<3' just to bump your post up to the top again *pulls hair out*

It really does p**s me off a lot, but I just ignore those people because whatever success they have is due in part to making people believe that they have a good channel with actual fans.
It really does p**s me off a lot, but I just ignore those people because whatever success they have is due in part to making people believe that they have a good channel with actual fans.
Yeah, I mostly ignore them, But from time to time I just like to check when the channels were made.. To see how much of a liar the person is haha! oop.
But yeah, If the only way they can get fans is by being fake, poor them..
It can be a but annoying sometimes, and the only way to get subscribers l from the comment section is saying something witty.
It can be a but annoying sometimes, and the only way to get subscribers l from the comment section is saying something witty.
Commenting something, yes, I comment all the time on videos, It's just shameless advertising but trying to be snkeay about it when everyone already knows how its done, and its so obvious now.

Also, It makes me feel so sad that on most big ish youtubers videos, every single top comment is a small/medium youtuber doing this kind of thing.. hmm..