Services Get yourself animated, plus channel art- FREE

I'll work on it now :D

Can I include Skag on the banner?

Yup! Elaborate please ^_^

Thrashbat how's that for a guitar?[DOUBLEPOST=1375042926][/DOUBLEPOST]
What now?[DOUBLEPOST=1375043170][/DOUBLEPOST]
Alright :D So you want a logo and banner plus cartoon drawing? Should I put the drawing in the logo too?[DOUBLEPOST=1375044472][/DOUBLEPOST]

How's this?

View attachment 10649[DOUBLEPOST=1375044546][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wait what other gaming characters do you want? Skag and....
Im not sure if i like the channel name on there twice. Thanks for trying though. Really wish i had an idea of what i want. :(
Aww,my logo is a example :D I want an animation :D Just a turtle that says "Subscribe to BTurt for more shi-I mean epic videos".
If you could draw me a cartoon goose that'd be awesome! :D Here's what I am looking for:

A goose in the standing position (we only see from top of head to mid body). He is smiling and very relaxed looking. With his right hand he is doing the hang loose sign and is wearing Knockaround shades.