General Channel/Website Feedback


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Hi all! I'll keep this brief. I am a relatively new YouTuber and I am constantly looking for feedback on my most recent series, my channel trailer, my channel art, and my brand new channel website.

So, links to both the channel and the website are above. I'd be perfectly happy if some of you could just review as much of any of these things as you like. Just the channel intro is great, or if you like (or really dislike) the channel and feel inclined to provide more comprehensive feedback, that'd be wonderful.

Whatever you are comfortable providing. Thanks in advance!

Alrighty, so I looked at your channel trailer. These things aren't generally suppose to be over 15-30 seconds long. If they are longer then you want to cram as much info into the first 5 seconds as possible to catch the viewers attention and expand upon it later. This is also because of how YouTube runs your trailer as an Ad. Second, you need to clean up your audio. The cheap mic you're using is evident. If you got adobe premiere I'd say learn the EQ filter. If you got Audacity I'd say run a Low Level filter over it anywhere from 10,000 to 8,000. That will soften your higher notes, like your S, when you speak. Your intro logo would also be cooler if that material was blowing behind it. Well that's my critique / advice.