Gaming Gaming Community!


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Hello everyone my name is ReMixz, I'm a small streamer on Twitch and I'm looking for youtubers/streamers to play with on PC or PlayStation. I have a discord server that everyone is welcome! My discord is ReMixz#4895. I have several games on PC. I have Minecraft (Java and Bedrock), CSGO, League of Legends, Among Us, Rocket League and more. On PlayStation I have 2k21, Warzone and Cold War. Everyone is welcome in my server hopefully we can help each other grow. The discord server is still new so any recommendations is very much appreciated! There is no age limit and or anything dumb to join the server. I would recommend that you have a decent mic so no one will complain about it. Hopefully I'll get to see you guys in the server and let's grind together! My twitch is OMGitzReMixz
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