Heyo! I will give you a few pointers that you can use if you wish, note it is all just my opinion.
Firstly, you're obviously new but I would suggest playing around with a photo editor a little more to get a better understanding of thumbnails, thumbnails are usually the determining factor to whether or not someone clicks on your video, so regardless of the actual content of the video, you can't expect anyone to watch it if they don't like the thumbnail. That being said the title is also important, you are doing a good job with titles but I would put the episode name BEFORE the game name and episode, the reason for this is because it kind of gives the viewer and idea of the more interesting parts of that video, it also just makes it look unique.
Lets move on the the next thing, you seem to have a pretty good personality for doing lets plays, maybe mix things up a bit, nobody is going to kill you if you play something besides one game, in fact it makes you much more likely to be noticed when people see a variety of content on your channel. Since Alien Isolation is a longer story driven style game you can usually get away with making longer videos, but note that the longer a video is the more likely a viewer is to get bored and click away, ultimately you want the viewer to enjoy your content and subscribe to you to view your future content, and most viewers wont watch anymore than 10 minutes of footage from a creator that they aren't already a fan of. In other words, it may benefit you to either use post production to reduce video times, say keep in the interesting bits and remove the not so interesting stuff, or you can try your hand out at playing other games that are much shorter and can be broken down into much smaller episodes without interrupting the flow of the series.
Lastly, you should really look into either getting a better microphone OR learn to use some good audio editing software, your current setup picks up a lot of breathing noises which can be very distracting from the videos, and obviously you can't be expected to hold your breath the whole time either. You can cut the middle man and get a professional mic, but they are obviously going to cost money, and a pretty large amount for a relatively good mic, but audio software simply takes time & patience, Audacity is a highly recommended one by many.
Other than those things you're doing fantastically, add some more variety to the channel and make things look more catchy and in no time you'll be swimming in the views.
Keep up the nice work and effort!