Freedom YouTube MCN?

Isn't any network better than none? Especially considering the no lock-in part. So would it be better to join just like that and then leave whenever, or is it better to stay alone without a network? :/

Not always, alone with Adsense you're earnings your full sum. This means if you are under a network and they do not have Adsales you're essentially cutting down by x%. You pay the x % to the network in return for the services they provide. If you believe their services are worth the x% you're giving to them from your income then yeah it is worth it :)
Not always, alone with Adsense you're earnings your full sum. This means if you are under a network and they do not have Adsales you're essentially cutting down by x%. You pay the x % to the network in return for the services they provide. If you believe their services are worth the x% you're giving to them from your income then yeah it is worth it :)
I have none of my videos monetized since I would never reach the threshold for AdSense and I might just as well not force my subscribers to watch ads which I will never earn from anyways. By the time I am able to reach the threshold of Adsense I would've most likely already left Freedom (if I join) and joined something else. In that case, would it be worth it?
I have a friend who is partnered with Freedom and it’s not bad at all. The support is excellent considering you can talk with the CEO George anytime you want true Skype meaning he can answer all your question any time you want.

As for the CPM it’s not bad he is having a CPM of around $8. And your
also have the benefit of being a managed partner if you know how copyright works and you never had an issue with copyright. And on top of that as mentioned by someone you have a no lock contract so you can leave anytime you want.

Only he mentioned one downside and that is that the CPM on average is high but there are days that the CPM goes down and you have like a CPM of under 1$ and there are days that you have a CPM of $20+.
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I have a friend who is partnered with Freedom and it’s not bad at all. The support is excellent considering you can talk with the CEO George anytime you want true Skype meaning he can answer all your question any time you want.

As for the CPM it’s not bad he is having a CPM of around $8. And your have also the benefit of being a managed partner if you know how copyright works and you never had an issue with copyright. And on top of that as mention by someone you have a no lock contract so you can leave anytime you want.

Only he mentioned one downside and that is that the CPM on average is high but there are days that the CPM goes down and you have like a CPM of under 1$ and there are days that you have a CPM of $20+.

This is the same CPM the channels would get with Adsense alone unless something magical has happened and George has hired an ad sales team in the last week or contracted the same services from someone else.
I have a friend who is partnered with Freedom and it’s not bad at all. The support is excellent considering you can talk with the CEO George anytime you want true Skype meaning he can answer all your question any time you want.

As for the CPM it’s not bad he is having a CPM of around $8. And your have also the benefit of being a managed partner if you know how copyright works and you never had an issue with copyright. And on top of that as mention by someone you have a no lock contract so you can leave anytime you want.

Only he mentioned one downside and that is that the CPM on average is high but there are days that the CPM goes down and you have like a CPM of under 1$ and there are days that you have a CPM of $20+.
The CPM is not "high", it is the bare minimum any channel on YouTube can receive.
The CPM is not "high", it is the bare minimum any channel on YouTube can receive.

That is true but I heard that there are networks out there that have a CPM of 2$ so if it is the minimum or maximum I don’t know but it’s not bad. I am partnered with curse (Union for gamers) and he has a higher CPM than I do at the moment so.
That is true but I heard that there are networks out there that have a CPM of 2$ so if it is the minimum or maximum I don’t know but it’s not bad. I am partnered with curse (Union for gamers) and he has a higher CPM than I do at the moment so.

There aren't any networks that have a CPM of $2, but there are plenty of channels who have a low CPM like $2 who are also partnered. If you and your friend were both unpartnered, he would still have a higher CPM than you do.

The thing about CPM is that it's based primarily on your audience, not your channel. Advertisers don't care who you are, only who you bring to the videos because those people are their target. You can influence your CPM by keeping the viewers watching longer (video retention) and such, but these options are limited.

Networks that sell ads outside of what Adsense supplies can influence CPM in a positive direction, but partnering with a network can't really lower your CPM. It can lower your overall income if you're revenue share is s***e, but not your CPM.

The rules do change when a channel gets very large, but that's not really relevant to most people.
That is true but I heard that there are networks out there that have a CPM of 2$ so if it is the minimum or maximum I don’t know but it’s not bad. I am partnered with curse (Union for gamers) and he has a higher CPM than I do at the moment so.
They're quoting the averages (and most likely average RPM not CPM), averages are brought down by foreign countries.

Well Curse do have a good sales team, so your CPM being poor is based off your content or demographics.
They're quoting the averages (and most likely average RPM not CPM), averages are brought down by foreign countries.

Well Curse do have a good sales team, so your CPM being poor is based off your content or demographics.

That’s why I said that his CPM is not bad considering he is with freedom which is a new network and stuff and has a higher CPM than I do with a well-known network like Curse who are known for their higher CPM.

And for you information I said he is having a higher CPM at the moment meaning before I had higher than him. My average CPM for the last months is around 15$ but now is around 8$ and his is around $8.50.
That’s why I said that his CPM is not bad considering he is with freedom which is a new network and stuff and has a higher CPM than I do with a well-known network like Curse who are known for their higher CPM.
But his CPM has nothing to do with Freedom, he can thank Google for the CPM which is lower than it would be had he joined a network with in-house ad sales