Fortnite funny video put effort into

It was okay but it better if you put some facecam there so that people can see your expression too. In my opinion it doesn't catch my interest since it a fortnite videos, that thing is over saturated. Regardless of that keep doing what is best for you and never give up.
So I got a couple tips, I’m by no means an expert, but here’s what’d I do.

So first off, you should clean up your title. The title you have doesn’t really capture my attention and I can’t say I would click on it if I saw it. Make it unique and catchy.

Next, you have custom thumbnails but they could also a clean up. YouTube has a lot of thumbnail tutorials that could give you an edge.

I liked the video. I’m not a fan of fortnite, so I appreciate it wasn’t just another 20+ kill montage.

I think with these tips, the quality would be on the next level.