First time script writing? Any tips or advice?


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Hey Guys,
So a good friend and I have recently started thinking of an idea for a new short film for an Aussie Competition. We have never written a script before, and were wondering if anyone had some tips and tricks for us to follow. I am a Senior Student in Film and Television, but our Teacher wants us to wait another semester before we learn about it..

But, we are impatient and must learn the tricks xD

Thanks Guys! :D
I guess, remember that a script isn't just text. A script is a guideline that allows the reader or performer to identify exactly what is happening including actions/locations etc.

When creating it, organise it in an easy way to identify:
  • Who is in the scene
  • What do they say
  • Actions as their speaking/Movement
  • Location?
  • How is meant to make the viewer feel to tell them how to display emotion etc
  • Idea of camera movements/filming method for that scene
Thats how I'd write it anyway :D
We are filming a horror movie, and are going with the concept of "Found Footage". So we have a lot of handheld, or "Amateur" footage as it is referred to. Such as the filming used in The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity blah blah.. We thought fairly hard on it, and decided it would be the best way to capture the fear and emotion put into the settings our characters are placed in.
We are filming a horror movie, and are going with the concept of "Found Footage". So we have a lot of handheld, or "Amateur" footage as it is referred to. Such as the filming used in The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity blah blah.. We thought fairly hard on it, and decided it would be the best way to capture the fear and emotion put into the settings our characters are placed in.

Sounds good, put some of that in the script (smaller font or in italics so it can be identified from normal speech), feel free to post more about it on the forums when your making/made it, I'll gladly have a watch if you upload it to YouTube :D
Once I have a quick draft of the script done, I might post it up for feedback :) So i don't know, just keep an eye on me haha :D
Well what I usually do is carry an audio recorder with me and talk out a scene and lines and dialog as it comes to me.. You and your cohort could figure the scene then banter.. and figure out what you would say to each other in the moment.
Well what I usually do is carry an audio recorder with me and talk out a scene and lines and dialog as it comes to me.. You and your cohort could figure the scene then banter.. and figure out what you would say to each other in the moment.
Excellent way of doing it =]
Improvising and working it out this way is a perfect way to bring realism to a serious project, you don't want to over dramatise it with words you wouldn't naturally say, makes it less realistic.
Story boarding really helps, when my buddy and I work on our manuscript we do readings out loud to get a feel for the scene, then we sketch up the story board to know how to film the scene.
first get the who, what, when, where and why sorted, putting a brief description of the character personalities on it too.

Add in the time of day and any transition effects or camera angles if necessary :)