Feedback on latest video please! (made some technical changes)

Juliana Sabo

Active Member
So I've been trying to improve the quality of my videos, so there's a few changes I've made to my latest video that I'd like some feedback on:
  1. I added a clip before my intro. I would love to hear how you guys think it affects the overall flow of the video.
  2. The audio. My audio used to be really echo-ey and I tried to fix that. Did it work?
  3. The music under the video. Is it fine, or is it too loud/soft? Also, should I include music in the intro & outro clips, or should those remain without music?
And finally, I'd also love some feedback on the video content and presentation itself.

Thank you!
Hey there!

So I will answer the questions in the order in which you have asked, The clip before the video is a great idea, and doesnt ruin the flow of the video in my opinion it actually works to bring your attention into the video a little more, Usually people use these to highlight a funny moment to look out for in the rest of the video.

With regards to echo, compared to previous videos it is alot better, there is still an echo but by the looks of things in this video it seems to be down to the fact that you have wooden floors and bare walls (Not trying to say anything by it) and they are a nightmare for audio, as the sound doesnt catch anywhere, so perhaps look into some kind of rug for your room and maybe a few foam soundproofing pads, may reduce the echo, else you can do it post processing and use some professional audio software to reduce the echo, but then it may sound a little unnaturally dull. However I think at such an early stage the echo is fine, you seem to be ust starting out, noone is expecting you to have a full studio etc.

The music behind the video works well, Id maybe just lower it down slightly just because you are the main focus of the video, but that might just be me.

The content of your videos are interesting and personally your style is pretty damn good, it looks to me like if you can keep it going the snowballing should occur.

So hope this helps!
Hey there!

So I will answer the questions in the order in which you have asked, The clip before the video is a great idea, and doesnt ruin the flow of the video in my opinion it actually works to bring your attention into the video a little more, Usually people use these to highlight a funny moment to look out for in the rest of the video.

With regards to echo, compared to previous videos it is alot better, there is still an echo but by the looks of things in this video it seems to be down to the fact that you have wooden floors and bare walls (Not trying to say anything by it) and they are a nightmare for audio, as the sound doesnt catch anywhere, so perhaps look into some kind of rug for your room and maybe a few foam soundproofing pads, may reduce the echo, else you can do it post processing and use some professional audio software to reduce the echo, but then it may sound a little unnaturally dull. However I think at such an early stage the echo is fine, you seem to be ust starting out, noone is expecting you to have a full studio etc.

The music behind the video works well, Id maybe just lower it down slightly just because you are the main focus of the video, but that might just be me.

The content of your videos are interesting and personally your style is pretty damn good, it looks to me like if you can keep it going the snowballing should occur.

So hope this helps!
This feedback was great. THANK YOU!