Editing System for Thumbnails?

I'm pretty bad at making thumbnails, but I think I am slowly getting a little better at it. I use Gimp, its a free software similar to photoshop.
Photoshop is always the best go to photo editor. If you aren't looking for real software you can get the gimp like others have suggested.
xD. Adobe or nothing? They all have their pros or cons, I much prefer Photoshop to Gimp (I find gimp really difficult for some reason) for doing graphics like this, though Paint.net is good for colorings/drawings.
xD. Adobe or nothing? They all have their pros or cons, I much prefer Photoshop to Gimp (I find gimp really difficult for some reason) for doing graphics like this, though Paint.net is good for colorings/drawings.
Pretty much. Adobe is the industry standard. I've used avid, final cut, and all the works. The adobe suite is the cleanest and most seamless suite out there. My job would be 34098520494832 times harder if I had to use anything other than the Adobe Suite.
I personally use Photoshop, I have a set template which I just edit to fit th purpose of the video.

I would reccomend GIMP, as it was the first image manipulation software I used and I found it gave me some really professional results. As the others have said. Use tutorials and you will soon pick it up, but if you are looking to get photoshop in the future I would just learn that as it has a much steeper learning curve and anything you lear in GIMP will just become irrelevant.