Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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LOOKS AWESOME! But is their anyway you can possibly shrink the hands and include more since even in full screen the hands are cut off on the sides. And maybe add some horror movie monsters (zombie heads, jason(hockey mask guy) Freddy, etc.) in the background to. But take your time no rush. You dont have to do it if you dont want to.

(and possibly change the camera to a Video Camera. ) no rush thanks!
http wp-content uploads 2012 08 Horace_Mann_School_logo-1.jpg Pic. I just need channel art! Make it awesome with that and make it say HM Lions Report. Thanks!


I put it on top, looks like s**t on sides

DailyClashersend me a picture of logo and dimensions
Holy freaking crap thats awesome! Thanks a lot!!!
Why cant I move it around? Reason being is that the GamingFD is a little off center and you can't see the assassin's face completely and when I upload it to my channel and try to adjust the crop I can't move it to how I want it...?
Hey Painwritter could you center the "GamingFD" in my banner please? it looks off center and I can't center it when uploading it to youtube.
Youtube One Channel Banner Please!

Text: ViRuZ Gamiing (Yes with the 2x i)
Colours: Dark Red with a little tick of lighter red Gradient
Theme: Grand Theft Auto ( not specially San Andreas [but it's my favorite] )
Dimensions: 2560 x 1440

Feedback: I saw your examples so I trust you with what you make!
I'd like a YouTube One Channel Banner Please!

Text: MrWapk somewhere centered, then off to a side I want it to say Gameplays, and then under that Mods, and then under that Walkthroughs, and then under that Reviews
Colours: Black with a gray gradient
Theme: Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas and 4 if possible) also, I'd like some zombies put in, like a mix of Grand Theft Auto and zombies
Dimensions: 2560 x 1440

Also, if possible, I'd like an avatar please!

Text: MrWapk
Colours: MrWapk in White text, and the background in either red or black, whatever looks good
Theme: Smoky, make it pop :P
Dimensions: 800 x 800

Nice work by the way! I know whatever you make will be amazing!
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