Finished/Closed DrunkBearzz "SuperExtraSweet" FREEE STUFF!

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I was wondering if you could make me some channel art. If you get the time, I would just like it to say "Vincent the Watermelon" in a cool font with watermelons in the background or something. About 2500 by 1380 should be good in size if you can do that.
Thanks for the banner man but it says it's too small to put on my channel.

This should do it

Layout is gonna be finished today if I catch some time
Could you create one for my school. It's called the HMlionreport. It's a school sport broadcasting thing that my school does. The horacemann school logo is on google. Also, it should be a channel art. Please make a sports looking theme. Thanks!
Could you make a banner for the new layout for me as well? I would like basically like a collage of many games mostly world of warcraft though but also something like guns for like call of duty (just giving an example, thats not something I specifically want) Also league of legends and minecraft as those are the three main games I play but also some other popular console games eg. Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty...etc. And of course, some cool effects and lights and in the middle *GamingFD* hopefully it isn't too complicated. Your work is amazing and I love the avatar you made for me.
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