Don't partner with Creative Nation

Fair enough. I've been there since April 2013 (before they even launched as a Virtual Network) up until Feb this year. I can assure you, there were more than 2 payment issues since they were an MCN. I've had terrible support from Creative Nation, even most of my partners had terrible support from them, that's why they followed me.

Regards to the Creator Suite dashboard, it's been announced for a very long time. They were going to release a dashboard called "Booster Programme" which I believe is just re-named to Creator Suite. I have seen the Creator Suite dashboard but it wasnt working correctly, I was also supposed to be allowed access after a virtual network call I had with Shane and other networks. Yes, Creative Nation really needs to start again and think about how they F'd up. It's just gone down hill.

Well, since October last year, I became a sub network under Scale Lab. Started up a new business named "Digital Opportunities" and I can tell you one thing, they gave better support than Creative Nation. Assisted me on everything and within 3 months, I had a few partners and getting more views per month than I ever did at Creative Nation. The dashboard is a lot better, more freedom for your business, etc.. But of course, since all the YouTube sub network drama started, I had to stop as a network. It upset me but I cannot run as a network unless I get CO or become an MCN. Sucks really..

These days, I'm starting up a new YouTube channel for Automotive repairs. "Jono's Auto Repairs". Currently building the website, getting intro and branding done and then start finishing off my first video!.[DOUBLEPOST=1469101343,1469101203][/DOUBLEPOST]Update: after taking a look at the Creative Nation forums, they're doing "CreatorSuite Transfer Process". Looks like it's becoming "live".. lol.. We'll see.
Oh not disputing the payment problems those were real! You did the right thing moving to Scale Lab. Wish i could have led CNs VN program the way i wanted..alas..[DOUBLEPOST=1469146645][/DOUBLEPOST]
Eh, I have to disagree with a few things, but you do have some valid points.

I was partnered with CN from February 2014 until ~May 2015. During those 15 months, they only once (actually twice, but second time it was resolved promptly) had issues with payments and everything was communicated well and issue with PayPal was resolved within a week or little more. What was happening after that, I'm not sure, but PayPal can limit your account multiple times a year without a doubt. I work for a company that was acquired by another billion+ dollar company last year and we also had issues with PayPal, which was essential for our business. However, all the issues were normally resolved within a few days (if even that long!), normally a few phone calls and sending some documentation was enough. Mind you, this is an US company, so laws and other stuff when dealing with PayPal might be different in UK, but I do feel CN took too long resolving their issues with PP.

When it comes to their promises... well yeah, there were a few, most notably Creative Suite that was announced at the end of 2014, pre-beta invites were sent out in early 2015 but to this day, it still hasn't been finished. That sucks and someone should get fired for that. However, they used to do some really cool giveaways - I actually won a decent headset that I've been using for a while until I upgraded to Logitech one and they had cool series where they featured various channels and had others comment about them and give their thoughts how those channels could be improved.

Creative Nation WAS great, I've been extremely active on their forums at the time and I knew of all the problems, if there were any. However, I would imagine things were further down the hill in Q3 2015 and later on, as seen nowadays by various threads here and on CN forums. I agree with Styxie's comment from other thread, Creative Nation needs to rebrand, they need to do serious changes if they don't want to lose even more partners and get even more negative feedback from partners.
You say someone needs to be fired...I believe they let go of all the office staff....[DOUBLEPOST=1469190491][/DOUBLEPOST]UPDATE:

4 hours ago, access to the company gmail was finally revoked, which means they finally have me. I'll be pressing legal charges now @Shane
Did you get anywhere with this @Styxie it would be interesting to know what happens regarding your issues here and their lack of communication etc
It's times like this when positive partner reviews mean more than any marketing or advertising efforts by an MCN. We need to know who's honest, who's active, and who's worth signing up with.