Other Dog Video Collab


Active Member
Hello so I wanted to start doing collabs with my animal/gaming channel.
Ive been trying to figure out what to do with an animal collab. And I have figured it out I am going to start a challenge series and call it Mya VS ...

each episode with have mya (my dog vs other dogs)

I am looking for YouTubers with an animal channel or with dogs to help me start a collab challenge series.

In the challenge series, our dogs will go head to head and see what dog is better at the challenge. (no they wont meet Irl)

for example one of the challenges is to see who can get the treat out of a kong first so what will happen is I will film my part you will film yours and I will edit them together post them and boom we collaborated. The only editing you may do to the footage is mute it (if you want). And I would only like dogs no humans (but you may talk).

If you dont want to enter thats fine but please give challenge ideas also as I only have a few.{I will take challenges off the list as they get done and add new ones}

Challenge -get the treat out of a kong
{you will need to film your dog trying to get a treat out of a kong}

Challenge - who does the trick better
{we will decide on tricks and then you will film your dog doing the tricks (we wont vote this is just for fun)}
Sadly I don't have a dog here n.n" My parents have one in the Netherlands though.

I like your idea, seems like an easy way to collab over a long distance. It might be good to either included more dogs per challenge or do more than one challenge per dog, becuase otherwise you would end up with very short videos.

Challenge ideas:
- Highest jump (might only be applicable for dogs the same size)
- Fasted dash
- Quickest fetch
- Best mid air catch of ball/frisbee/treat
- Most consequetive spins
- Best outfit/dress up
- Best bark/song
- Fastest dog to learn an new trick

Hope this helps :)
Sadly I don't have a dog here n.n" My parents have one in the Netherlands though.

I like your idea, seems like an easy way to collab over a long distance. It might be good to either included more dogs per challenge or do more than one challenge per dog, becuase otherwise you would end up with very short videos.

Challenge ideas:
- Highest jump (might only be applicable for dogs the same size)
- Fasted dash
- Quickest fetch
- Best mid air catch of ball/frisbee/treat
- Most consequetive spins
- Best outfit/dress up
- Best bark/song
- Fastest dog to learn an new trick

Hope this helps :)

Thank you, this helps a lot :)
Im thinking of calling it something like challenge of the month and collab with one - two- 3 dogs per month bu im not sure and thanks for the challenge Ideas I will add them to the board
This is a great idea. I started a youtube channel for my puppy and he is always doing something crazy, but I never thought about doing challenges. That would be fun.
This is a great idea. I started a youtube channel for my puppy and he is always doing something crazy, but I never thought about doing challenges. That would be fun.

I just saw your channel :o it's so AMAZING !!!
you deserve more subscribers rn I have 85 and I would love to collab with you (if you want to :) )
I just subscribed to you :)